Book 6 in the Ghost Handler series
Bell Bridge, March 24, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1611945973
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Will Heather's Homecoming date be dreamy or disastrous?
Freshman Heather Tildy is finally starting to fit in at Pecan Hills High--sort of. What she wants more than anything is to turn her Homecoming date with hunky Drew Blanton into a permanent relationship. But how can a girl have the date of her dreams when rumors say that he'd rather be taking another girl to the dance?
The last thing Heather's big night needs is an interfering ghost, especially one who is way into grunge and likes to share unwanted advice about Heather's love life. If Heather can find a way to quickly solve her new haint's problem, she might have the romantic date with Drew she's always dreamed of.
Too bad nothing involving ghosts is ever that simple.

calm, go-with-the flow—that was the mask I wanted to show the
world. Or at least the exterior I wished the majority of Pecan Hills
High geeks, wannabes, and in-crowd movers and shakers would believe
was the real me. Especially on this,
the Monday after my life had forever changed. But how could I hide
behind my disguise when the words spewing from my lunch buddy's
mouth were so heinous?
shorter girl says, it's only a matter of time before he asks
Alicia out."
The he was Drew. My Drew, the guy I'd been crushing on since May. T'he
guy who'd asked me out Saturday. I am not Alicia.
smiled into the mirror in the main hall bathroom I rarely braved due
to the haint who frequented its tile floors and metal stalls. The
ghost who wore plaid flannel and had most likely body-slammed to
Nirvana hadn't materialized yet, but I could sense her nearby.
She was eavesdropping on our conversation.
Suzanne appeared satisfied there was no food between her teeth, she
went on in excruciating detail about what she'd overheard in
her Financial Literacy class this morning. "And then they
started talking about him probably feeling sorry for someone.
That's the only possible reason Drew would ask her
to Homecoming. They're so stupid, like I couldn't figure
out they were talking about you."
Drew Blanton, hottest junior this side of the Mississippi, had asked
me, lowly, freak-flag-flying freshman Heather Tildy to go with him to
Homecoming. I'd thought it meant he liked me.
away the beginning of tears I wasn't about to let gush in front
of Suzanne or anyone else, I focused on something positive. Shopping.
I like shopping, especially at Old Navy and the Second Time Around
store. Audrey and I were going shopping tomorrow . . . for my
Homecoming dress.
the thing—the problem with positive thinking is that when
there's something bad going on, your mind connects the negative
to the positive, and that colors everything with a big fat charcoal
Second try. Class. Biology. Study guide. Big Test on Thursday. The
small putty-eraser sized lump in my throat expanded to a block of
cheese. I turned on water, leaned over the sink, and splashed my hot
are you doing?" Suzanne asked, her normally even tones tinged
with horror. "Are you even wearing waterproof mascara?"
I? I glanced up into the mirror which revealed that I, in fact, had
been wearing regular hypoallergenic mascara, as evidenced by the
rivulets of gray running down my cheeks. Great. Now it looked like
I'd been crying.
sounded in the stall closest to me. The painted metal door opened,
and the girl who'd been in there and who had apparently been
listening to us, took one look at my face and bolted without washing
her hands. I was sure by the time I entered my sixth period Biology
class, Drew would have heard I was crying in the bathroom about him
and Alicia.
I thought we were alone," Suzanne said, then waved her hand in
front of the sensor for paper to wipe my dripping hands and face.
gears ground, but no rough brown toweling spewed. Her close set eyes
widened. "No."
I asked.
dug around her purse and lifted a five inch receipt from some fast
food restaurant. "How 'bout this?"
wiped but only smeared the runny makeup worse.
I thought I was a mess." Someone, not Suzanne, said. The
throaty voice sounded like whoever it belonged to might have been a
good singer. I peeked under the stall doors and didn‘t see any
feet. Maybe it was the ghost. She'd approached me before.
turned the water on again and splashed and rubbed to get the rest of
the mascara trails off my face. I added soap that ended up stinging
my eyes. I splashed more water on my face that was finally cooling
off, and then, because I had nothing else available, I wiped my face
on the front of my shirt. Probably not the smartest of moves.
you'd have asked me, I would've suggested doing that on
the back inside," the disembodied voice remarked. She popped
her spectral gum. It was the ghost who patrolled the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror, a safe way to view a ghost if you're a
handler who isn't ready to take a spirit on, and the hairs on
my right arm lifted like a cold breeze was blowing. Chillbumps rose.
And there she was. Owner of the voice. Plaid-wearing, Doc Marten
sporting, gum-chewing grunge girl ghost.
didn't want, much less need, a glomming right now.
moved quite a few haints along since the beginning of summer, when
I'd suddenly been gifted with this ability, I was tempted to
acknowledge this flannel-sporting chick. However, adding her to my To
Do list this particular week, given that I had to buy a dress and go
on my first date with Drew, wouldn't be prudent. Especially if
I ever wanted to have a second date with him.
excuse me," a voice that wasn't Suzanne's or grunge
girl ghost's said. I looked over by the door, but no one had
come in. On my left side, a small waft of cold air expanded so that
now both sides of my body were covered in goose bumps. I wanted the
jacket I'd shoved in my locker this morning.
pounding, I quickly figured out twice the chill meant two ghosts
trying to attach themselves to me at the same time. Okay, that
was something I hadn't anticipated I'd be dealing with
today. Careful not to make eye contact with either one, I watched
through the safety of the mirror above the center sink reflecting a
preppy, headband-wearing, sweater-tied-over-her-shoulders haint.
are you doing here?" the no longer mellow voice of
grunge-loving ghost challenged.
need to speak with Heather. Forget about this guy and focus on—"
up," Grunge Ghost said and triple-popped her gum for emphasis.
with a capital "C." My super sensitive skin tingled, the
usual precursor to hives. A ghostly rumble was not penciled in my
agenda notebook for this afternoon. And this new haint I hadn't
mapped on my handy dandy chart knew my name. Not good. The seam under
the armpit of my cotton long-sleeved tee, now dampening, made itself
known to me. The itch was only seconds away.
was totally oblivious to my extra-sensory pickle, and I needed to
keep it that way. "Do you at least have a sweater in your
locker?" she asked.
looked down at the smears covering my shirt. "How about a puffy
look weird, like you're trying to hide something."
am." Sometimes Miss In-the-Running-for-Salutorian wasn't
so smart.
Ghost flipped her waist-length, center-parted hair and faced the new
haint. "I called dibs on this bathroom years ago, and I saw
Heather first."
you saw her before I did," Preppy Ghost said, hooking her thumb
at me for emphasis, "But if she'd wanted to help you, she
would have by now. Besides, I've taken a poll of the others,
and we feel it's time for a little redistricting."
queasy and itchy, I questioned what would erupt first, the contents
of my stomach or hives. I'd mapped out where all the ghosts
along my usual class routes were, and I'd been able to avoid
them sticking to me until I was ready, somewhat willing, and able. If
this preppy haint had her way, I wouldn't know who was haunting
didn't like this new ghost, and I didn't like how she was
already trying to boss me around. Been there, done that with Lunch
Lady Ms. King, and I wasn't ever doing it again.
ghost moved around me to float nose to nose with her preppy rival.
"So, what you're really saying is that you're
not happy with your
haunting parameters, and you're
trying to bully the others into agreeing with you."
you like a little more freedom?" Preppy Ghost asked, her
girlish tone smug, like she'd already won the battle.
saying, don't stir the pot." Grunge Ghost waved her plaid
flannel-covered arms around, creating cold air currents. "Let
sleeping dogs lie. If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
heard similar flawed advice from my older sister Audrey only
yesterday, when she caught me checking Drew's Facebook status.
Similar exasperated tone of voice, too.
I couldn't shake the feeling, though, that Preppy Ghost was not
one to sit back and wait her turn. Ever.
you hear me, Heather?" Suzanne said, bent over at the waist and
brushing her hair from the underside to create volume.
exactly," I admitted.
said I hope the dress you bought is killer. That would show everyone
who doubts your ability to be anything more than a pity date."
fifty million and one, killer meant ka-ching. I had no job, and my
family lived on a pretty strict budget. Problem fifty million and two
reared its ugly head. I had less than five days to find a Homecoming
dress. "I don't have one yet."
straightened, then dropped her brush on the tile floor as three girls
I didn't know walked in. After giving my damp, dirty
long-sleeved tee the once over, they entered the empty stalls.
are you going to do?" Suzanne asked, widely spaced eyes even
wider in amazement. "Everything's picked over."
a dress, not the Holy Grail," I heard myself say, like I wasn't
worried in the least. I couldn't let those girls in the stalls
overhear that I cared. Not that they even knew what we were talking
about. I couldn't let Suzanne see I was having a qualm or two.
And it's not like I'd have bought a dress without being
asked. Some girls might, but that wasn't me.
Calm. Go-with-the-flow.
"Besides, Audrey's taking me tomorrow, and she's
really good at shopping."
"I guess." Suzanne focused once more on her reflection in
the mirror. "I really need my eyebrows done. I hope I can get
in for a threading this week."
was I friends with her? Um, yeah. No one else to eat lunch with at
the beginning of the year, and once I got into a habit of any sort,
it was hard to break. Take ghost handling for instance. Now that I
saw them everywhere, I'd gotten into this groove of helping
Girl had a point in her favor when I made my decision later. She'd
been trying to get me to notice her since school started. I just
hadn't acknowledged her, which gets the whole moving-on thing
rolling. Other ghosts had been a little more insistent or, in
Xavier's brother Stevie's case, needy.
My thoughts derailed as I recalled his all-too-interesting kiss on
Halloween night, the same night Drew had asked me to Homecoming. My
stomach did a half-gainer. Drew and I were going to Homecoming. Drew,
the hot junior for whom I'd spent months on end boxing my way
out of the funny friend category and into the girl-he'd-like-to-date
corner. I might be getting an ulcer. Seriously.
her eyebrow contemplation, Suzanne took her phone out of her purse. I
had the distinct feeling whatever was going to happen next would make
my day worse. She clicked on her Facebook icon. "Last thing
before we head out of here, we need to check Drew's page.
What's your password?"
not friends with him. We need to know if there's anything
suspicious going on."
wasn't too sure where this "we" had come from. I
was the one who needed to know, and I'd deal with it after
now than later," Suzanne said.
she had a point. I didn't want to be further blindsided. With
more than a few qualms, I gave her my current password. "Roquefort,
one, five. The one is spelled out. The five is a number."
change it before sixth period started. "I swear if you post
anything as me, I'll . . ." I couldn't think of
anything really bad to threaten her with.
thumbed away, and then raised her three by two inch screen. "Look
at this."
glanced down at Drew's page. Not only was his status still set
at single, this Alicia Allen had posted something on his wall.
"Looking forward to seeing you at Homecoming Court rehearsal
this afternoon."
was pretty. You know, the kind of girl with a luminescent beauty,
whose make-up doesn't sweat off during P.E. like mine does. The
kind of girl who never has a bad hair day. The kind of girl who
didn't wipe her face on the front of her shirt without
thinking. She could have any guy she wanted—including mine.
lump that had been growing in my throat swelled to the size of
Gibraltar. I tried to think of something happy to dissolve it, but I
couldn't. I was seriously in danger of crying, and once I
started I didn't know if I'd be able to stop.
girl was after him, like I didn't even exist, like he wasn't
in a relationship with me . . . because he wasn't. It was one
wanting any of the tears filling my eyes to fall, I focused on the
blurry fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling as Suzanne clicked on
Alicia's name, so we could gather more intel from her profile.
Suzanne said. "She's not in a relationship, and she
doesn‘t believe in setting privacy controls."
I wasn't sure if her not caring that anyone could see her stuff
held any significance. "Is that everything?"
pursed her lips. "Not exactly. The first girl in my class, I
think her name is Danielle, she also said he asked you so last minute
because Homecoming Court people have to have a date, and Alicia had
already been asked by someone else."
heart bled with that little jab. Suzanne was getting too much
enjoyment out of relaying these painful nuggets.
Heather," Grunge Ghost said, gnawing on her gum and
materializing next to Suzanne, who rubbed her arms at the sudden
temperature decrease. "I can help you."
It was rarely about them
helping me.
if I was willing to give Grunge kudos for persistence, I wasn't
willing to take her on now. I had enough to deal with, thank you very
much. One, Drew liked some other girl but asked me to Homecoming.
Two, I still wanted him to want
to be in a relationship with me. Three, Xavier wanted to be in a
relationship with me. I'd heard of a romantic triangle before,
but what I was dealing with had more sides. A quadrangle? I really
didn't need a ghost in the mix. Maybe later. Maybe next week.
scratch your back, you scratch mine," Grunge offered.
didn't look her in her filmy eyes. I focused on her scuffed Doc
pretty much know how to deal with guys," Grunge Ghost added,
her voice once again mellow, kind even.
glanced over at Suzanne who was blathering on with her recipe for a
successful date. "Laugh at everything he says. For some unknown
reason they like ditsy. Case in point, Tina. And show some cleavage."
pretty sure that's not my best feature."
my potential, she glanced at my less-flat-than-it-used-to-be chest.
"There are bras that can help you fake it."
really want her advice?" Grunge Ghost snorted.
offense to anyone alive or otherwise, but I found it hard to believe
Grunge, who was more tomboy than guy magnet, was ever all that clued
in when it came to dating. Sure, her ghostly image wasn't ugly,
but she looked nothing like my living friend Tina, who had males
lining up to date her.
chill wind blew by me, and Grunge went flying. I turned to look in
the mirror at the area where the ghost had been floating. The preppy
haint who wanted me to focus was hovering in Grunge's place.
was nowhere close to happy. "Hey! No cuts."
Ghost smoothed her straight blunt hair. "I don't have
time to wait for her to decide to help you."
put her hands on her hips. "So your problem is more important
than mine?"
what it's worth, I knew
Grunge Ghost was being rhetorical, and I kind of liked her sass. Not
that I was planning on helping either of them this week. If I felt
to help one of them, it wouldn't be the cutter—and by
cutter, I mean the ghost who didn't want to wait her turn.
screamed, "Heather!"
Sometimes, no, make that most of the time, my lunch friend was
extremely annoying.
talking to you about, hello, the biggest problem you've ever
had to face to date. No pun intended."
Hardly. Most emotionally devastating—possibly.
thinking about it," I told her, which was true. A wrong move
could ruin everything. Drew had asked me out, and I had to make the
most of it. Be fun and cute and turn this one date into a
relationship. None of that would happen if this Alicia girl got her
hooks into him, which, if word in the hall could be trusted, she'd
already accomplished.
do you think I should do? I mean, it's just one date, so I
can't demand he stay away from her."
right about that," Suzanne said with a smirk. She shrugged. "I
guess things will work out with you and Drew if it's meant to
be." Meaning it wouldn't, because everyone who was even
barely acquainted with me knew I had horrible luck.
Ghost sighed heavily. I looked at her in the mirror. "Not the
way to go. If I were you, I'd crash that rehearsal this
she needs to forget him entirely," Preppy Ghost said. "You
tell him you're not going to Homecoming. Focus on school."
couldn't do either one of their suggestions. Or could I? I
wasn't cancelling, and if I crashed the Homecoming Court
practice, then this Alicia girl would know that I knew
that she was after Drew. Being cool and seemingly non-caring was the
way to approach it, right? Unless that made him think I really didn't
give a flip.
Why wasn’t life any easier once you got the boy?

Coming soon!